Monday 22 July 2024

How to Become a Writer & Opt for Self-publishing a Book on Amazon?

 You might have a long-drawn feeling deep inside to develop a writing career and even make it a full-time job for a living. It’s not always the truth that all the prolific writers have started writing in childhood. Many have become successful authors after growing up and even many scholars acquired a writer’s reputation in their old age. So, despite getting swayed away in bewilderment of “to be or not to be” start writing. You’ll reach your goal sooner or later and make people reach your book by opting for self-publishing a book on Amazon and printing the paperbacks in the next step.

How to hone your skills as a writer & move ahead with self-publishing on Amazon? Let’s find out—

  • Pick your genre

Start your writing journey in your favourite genre. Writers usually pick one genre in which they hone their writing efficiency in plot development and creating interesting characters. Later, along with a book cover designer, create a perfect cover design for your book before self-publishing on Amazon.

Many writers keep welcoming a few of their formerly created characters in different stories later on like Stephen King is writing more on Holly Gibney, a gifted girl practising the art of being a good detective.

Therefore, pick your genre according to your liking and develop characters and the storyline. If horror is your favourite genre, stick to it. If you have an inbuilt skill of making people laugh then comedy is your ideal genre in which you can create evergreen characters in the fictional world.

  • Start small in the beginning

You might aim to become a novelist or a successful short-story teller. However, you can start slowly by writing a story within 200 words or even smaller than that. As experts say, by doing so, you can electrify your plot development skills at its best. Instead of trying to spin an enormous magnum opus in the first go, start with writing short stories. Gradually, you will hone the plot writing and character development efficiency like a pro.

  • Start illustrating to create characters

It has been heard that many writers sketch the characters they create perhaps for their own sake to figure out the looks, physical features, expressions and other things about the characters that remain in the shade unless drawn.

Eminent director Satyajit Ray was also a prolific writer of several Bengali detective stories for young adults. In those books, we find illustrations of the characters that he created in the stories. Following the footsteps of his father Sukumar Ray, he honed the skill of illustrating the characters in his books like the famous Abol Tabol. In books like Mary Poppins, the legendary fairy tales of Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel- the publishers successfully grab the attention of their little readers. The list goes on without saying!

If you want to write a book for your young audience, try to do the illustrations along with the writing. For any help, connect with a renowned illustration agency UK where they provide professional illustrators, and work collaboratively with writers before self-publishing the final manuscript.

  • Share blurbs in book clubs/forums

Before self-publishing or while in the process of publishing the new book, you can share the blurb in book forums and reader’s clubs online to get a picture of their acceptance. If you receive any criticism, take it as a reward and try to rectify those areas in your final manuscript without killing your creativity to get a better response from the readers after publishing the book.

How to self-publish on Amazon?

Though Amazon has left options for DIY, you can contact a self-publishing agency such as White Magic Studio in London where they offer one-stop solutions for publishing the book on KDP or Amazon. Before that, get a picture-perfect front cover design and the final editing by experts. They can also offer a layout design for you if you want to print the book and sell it on Amazon before launching in public bookstores.

Earn more royalties and have full control of your rights by self-publishing the book. This is an incredible opportunity to do it all on your own without approaching a publisher.

How Can You Be Benefited by Growing a Habit of Reading Fictions?

 A habit of reading keeps a person several miles away from the usual crowd. Mostly introverts are found glued to books from an early age and they are often remarked as “nerds” or “bookworms” as they easily find a connection to the fictional world while reading each line than their friends and families in real life. If you also have a passion for reading, then your mind is a wonderland! If you have keenness about the upcoming writers taking initiatives for self publishing on Amazon, then keep a close tab on it being a Kindle reader. Amazon sends recommendations as well as notifications to their customers about the recently published books via email. Besides, readers have multiple options to make their collections via downloading PDFs or purchasing the hard copies of the books of their favourite genres.

Let’s find out a bit more about how a habit of reading fiction benefits your mind, body and soul—

Live in a story 

Reading is a soul-searching practice similar to musicians who spend hours with their piano or cello unless it touches their soul. If you love stories then since an early age, like most readers, you might feel an urge to know about new stories similar to the old times when the child couldn’t stop thinking about what happened to the princess after the happily ever after has been already declared. Was there another story behind that closed doors?

After growing up, you could maintain that quenching thirst of not only meeting new characters set up on the other side of the world and living their lives for quite a few days. Readers those who love stories prefer spending hours running through the pages until they finish it. You can also do the same and time travel or travel to a different culture and country and among new people for quite some time with the book whose book cover design impressed you equally along with the brief synopsis of the story at the back.

Get a grip on the language & enhance your vocabulary 

Despite enjoying reading any fiction whether a classic or a novel by a new author launched the book via Kindle direct publishing and creating ripples- you can gain the stock of words. Reading sharpens both your brain and your diction. If you have a fascination for any language and would like to hone your skills in it then nothing can stop you from doing so with recurring practice that starts with reading.

Improve communication skills

A habit of reading improves the communication skills of any individual. The more you read the conversations the more you gain confidence to start a communication with any stranger or a known person without giving a second thought. As a good fiction reader, you will talk better than others- the non-readers. This is the reason why, most teachers urge the parents to help their children develop a habit of reading more than spending time on gadgets. For overall development, reading fictions along with other books helps individuals in character development.

Stimulate your mental health

Regular habit of spending at least an hour with a book enhances your mental health. The modern world has gifted everyone with a mental setback popularly called anxiety, stress and depression. Unfortunately, many try to get a refuge in gadgets, alcohol, mingling with temporary people and so on. However, if you are a reader, you will be naturally healed by reading a good fiction.

To deal with a dark phase pick up any Russian novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky or Leo Tolstoy. To feed your romance-aching soul you might like reading Harry Potter. The classic young girl inside you would yearn to go through the pages of Emma or Wuthering Heights to get a quick escape from the present anxieties you are dealing with.

Even in your happiness, books can be a medium to sustain your happy hormones intact. However, you need to pick the perfect book for that.

Join a reputed book club and join a few social media reader’s communities to know about the latest books they are reading despite collecting eBook versions from online platforms where many talented self-publishing writers opt for Kindle direct publishing UK to reach out to more readers.

How to Write a Horror Story for Self-publishing on Amazon?

  Do you have a deep love for the darker sides and enjoy feeding on fear? For quite some time, if the writings of the horror kings Edgar Ala...